Correspondence with OQ

My friend OQ and I do our best to save the world; sofar (one word) though we’re not having much success. The following is an effort to hammer out the problems… regardless of whether it amounts to a flying fart  

My witty retorts are in blue… usually.

Reverend Slick

I haven’t read the whole thing yet OQ

When the Rich Said No to Getting Richer

From OQ:
As I’ve mentioned before, Ed Schreyer who was NDP Premier of Manitoba from 1969 – ?, and later became Governor General of Canada for 5 years, said that in his opinion there should only be a 3 to 1 spread in wages.  In other words, the highest paid position should be no more than 3 times the size of the lowest paid position.  If garbage collectors were making $3/hr., then doctors and lawyers should make $9/hr.

Oh, did I mention that Ed’s maternal grandparents were Austrian from western Ukraine (as was my grandfather), and he was a University professor, etc.  Ed came from the same part of Manitoba as my dad’s family, going right back to my paternal grandparents, Kost and Anna  who settled in Stead, which was close to Thalberg and Beaconia.  Try to find those metropolises on a map. I’m trying to figure where they settled instead? (that be a worn out joke around Stead I’m sure)
Anyhoo, salt of the earth people didn’t have the greed and sense of entitlement that exists today.  My parents got married in 1950, when my dad was making 65 cents an hour.  When he got a raise to 75 cents an hour, they bought a house.  And then little Larry popped onto the scene.  Yep, a baby and a house on $30 bucks a week, minus taxes.  My dad had a bicycle and I had a wagon.  That’s how we brought home groceries.  Back then, if you counted your pennies, a family could survive.  But there was NO extra money.  I never even asked my dad to buy me a pencil when school started because I was sure he couldn’t afford to spend 5 cents.
I’m not complaining.  No complaints, registered on this entity.  I’m just saying that people’s expectations were quite different back in those days.  And greed is something that never affected any of my grandparents.  They were overjoyed to have a linoleum floor in a clapboard house which they built themselves, close to a well, and a pot of soup on the stove.  I really don’t know what kind of soup it was.  It was just soup with stuff in a pot — whatever.

I wonder whether there is a natural mechanism that will keep us in check in the greed/entitlement (and population) respect?  War maybe? Famine, ultimately. Too bad it cant be something pleasant or “not” unpleasant… political will… benevolent political will… Schreyer-istic brain cleansing from a compassionate Big Brother

We seem to be destined for Dystopia… downtown Dystopia.

I don’t know about you OQ (well, I think I do) but, if we’re just stuck in this realm to learn something; I will be moving on with a serious disdain for inequality, privilege, ignorance and arrogance. Especially Arrogance!     Not spelling…

I was talking to my GP yesterday about getting a prescription for CBD rich hemp (which I recently realized I don’t need) And I brought up the 60 plus year war on drugs which was implemented by ignorant arrogant “father knows best” assholes like Nixon (not you Nixon, your a good boy… sit… stay… release!)  Those assholes should have been shot! If any of them are still alive they should be shot and the dead ones should be dug up, shot, pissed on and reburied deeper…

We’ve speculated on arrogance before in one of our rant/counter rants.  I figure arrogance comes from success; humility comes from failure  and ignorance is ever-present somewhere in the emulsion.   So if we had a Big Brother-esk King (BB King) who could saturate the airwaves with positive propaganda designed to make us all just get along; something for –not just our neonazi boys and girls to think about– but also for our elite (lost) leaders over there in Hoitytoity America, to ponder. 

OQ from OZ