Sleazy Politicians Lament

So Premier Doug Ford after defending his decision to throw parts of Ontario’s Greenbelt to the wolves (equally sleazy developers) claiming (whining) it was of the utmost good intentions, I call bullshit! What a sleazeball this guy is!

I don’t have the bandwidth nor the focus to elaborate –it’s last week’s news and I’m just getting around to it today. I had so much more to say when it was fresh. All I can say is; type Greenbelt into your browser and listen to this man trying to walk back his BS… if you buy what he’s saying, I have a liter of snake oil for sale, cheap, guaranteed to cure everything that ails you!

As always my condition (ADHD) has me moving-on prematurely to other tasks… later


I’m a scatterbrain always was, always will be (most likely.) As a scatterbrain life has been difficult: themasses generally speaking have treated me with everything from outright hatred to mild derision and dismissal (I even treated myself poorly –based on popular opinion)

The world is just coming around to a new renascence era (after a protracted dimwitasence) We, humanity are starting to realize that those we at one time regarded as stupid or retarded may have had something to offer… something deep or profound… or just different and everything in between.

These days it’s called neurodiversity –a more accepting term. However, we still regard each other with mild contempt when it comes to this phenomenon. We refer to those who seem to lack forethought, or those who are compulsive, etc as totally useless when often or at least on occasion they/we might be cooking up some insight… you’ll never know if you dismiss them/us without consideration.

Okay, I’m off on another tangent so I’ll wrap by saying this disease/gift needs to be treated by educating society, not medicating the victims. One last remark; if we appear lazy its because our engines have been running at full throttle all morning –by noon or early afternoon we’re exhausted…

Next up Sleazy Polititions