ADHD Energy Management

ADHD victims/beneficiaries and people, in general, should come with tachometers or caloric burn rate indicators CBRI’s (my creation) that way we would know who’s lazy and who’s just plain exhausted due to the likely possibility that they’ve burned through their energy supply by 10:00 am. The US army’s motto “We Do More By 10:00 Than Most People Do All Day” should maybe read “We Do More By 10:00 Than Most People Do All Day At Which Point Our Performance Drops Off Precipitiously ”

Most days, I’m tuckered out by noon, however, rarely do I get to take a nap –I’m not privileged in that respect — my inner boss is a relentless slave driver!

Every day I spend my time running from task to task (while mentally multitasking) –thinking about insights I might share on my blog, wondering how to present my thoughts in a cohesive manner (cohesive manner, good lick with that) only to realize that it’s late afternoon and I haven’t had lunch or I’ve neglected this or that often important task. My computer has ADHD too. By the time it has opened a relevant webpage, I may have moved on.

If not for the realization that this poor old machine cannot tolerate being spread too thin; I would have 100 tabs open (some of those tabs too old to still have any relevance) meanwhile, there are multitudes of tasks pending… and more in the background AND, THIS JUST IN: I’m back with an epiphany…oops, too late, it’s gone, hopefully, it will come back? Oops, there’s a task I didn’t finish, from yesterday, back shortly. (oh yah; I forgot to mention this particular task is not that important/urgent but if I don’t get to it, I’ll get distracted… only to have it distracting me later)

Okay, I have returned without completing the task referred to above, I did however manage to prepare lunch, which I will consume as I add to this rant (of the 70,000 some-odd lunches I’ve had in my life sofar, I cannot recall one which did not involve some form of multitasking) And before I forget… again: don’t ask me to locate anything (even in a relatively uncluttered space) Chances are, even if the item is plainly visible, I will miss it! Speaking of clutter: there are very few spaces in my house that aren’t a Mari Kondo nightmare –taking a shower will require the removal of a half dozen items from the tub!!! Okay, it’s 3:50pm my back is killing me, time for a nap (not because I’m tired –which I am– but to relax seized back muscles) As the days get shorter I find myself walking the dogs after dark, so I’m trying to get the “nap” happening earlier, but its a struggle, always something to do.

Okay, I’m back –I had to work a couple of long days which always throws me off my schedule –aIso have something else to rant about –although I can’t recall wtf it was/is at the moment. So, I’ll close by reiterating: ADHD is a spectrum condition (disorder) and we are all on that spectrum, if a body finds themselves at the severe end, brace yourself! It can be a crippling condition with an unlikely, very remote possibility of becoming the next Elon Musk… Good luck!

Sleazy Politicians Lament

So Premier Doug Ford after defending his decision to throw parts of Ontario’s Greenbelt to the wolves (equally sleazy developers) claiming (whining) it was of the utmost good intentions, I call bullshit! What a sleazeball this guy is!

I don’t have the bandwidth nor the focus to elaborate –it’s last week’s news and I’m just getting around to it today. I had so much more to say when it was fresh. All I can say is; type Greenbelt into your browser and listen to this man trying to walk back his BS… if you buy what he’s saying, I have a liter of snake oil for sale, cheap, guaranteed to cure everything that ails you!

As always my condition (ADHD) has me moving-on prematurely to other tasks… later


I’m a scatterbrain always was, always will be (most likely.) As a scatterbrain life has been difficult: themasses generally speaking have treated me with everything from outright hatred to mild derision and dismissal (I even treated myself poorly –based on popular opinion)

The world is just coming around to a new renascence era (after a protracted dimwitasence) We, humanity are starting to realize that those we at one time regarded as stupid or retarded may have had something to offer… something deep or profound… or just different and everything in between.

These days it’s called neurodiversity –a more accepting term. However, we still regard each other with mild contempt when it comes to this phenomenon. We refer to those who seem to lack forethought, or those who are compulsive, etc as totally useless when often or at least on occasion they/we might be cooking up some insight… you’ll never know if you dismiss them/us without consideration.

Okay, I’m off on another tangent so I’ll wrap by saying this disease/gift needs to be treated by educating society, not medicating the victims. One last remark; if we appear lazy its because our engines have been running at full throttle all morning –by noon or early afternoon we’re exhausted…

Next up Sleazy Polititions

Tangentental Meditation

I think I think more than you do: and by you, I’m referring to the above average Homosapien and maybe just below guys like Leonardo Da Vinci and others… (that won’t come to me at the moment) Or possibly above… prove it otherwise! I would consent to any challenge at any time of the day or night, weekend, month…whatever… as long as it was an honest challenge, scientific!

The problem is, I’m just figuring out why it hasn’t worked out so well for me: why I’m not launching Teslas into space like Elon Musk? Part of it is due to luck –not so much my bad luck as Musk’s good variety. No, the real problem is extremely complicated: the simplified version; I never had any confidence in myself and, I never realized that I was different. Society had me believing that “we” were all the same. Meanwhile, my Neural throttle was stuck wide open.

So, Tangentental Meditation is my made-up spiritual practice based on Trensindential Meditation. Of course, “meditation” couldn’t be farther from what I do; it is the opposite of meditation! But I like the name… so screw you!

The definition, according to the dictionary of Me: is a state where the brain can’t stop leaping from task to task to task, often losing one train of thought to another and that one to yet another. Distraction Junction, might be related to Beta brain waves…

Now, no one likes a braggart, but I’m not bragging I’m just pointing out the fact… or hypothesis that ADHD can be a gift, not only to the victim but to the victim’s immediate society and or beyond.

And If it sounds like I’m angry, yer phucking right I’m angry! I’m angry at a society that claims to be functional: used to be The running joke was when some poor crazed individual claimed “I’m not crazy, it’s the world” Get the net, we comforted our dysfunctional selves with a knowing wink! Like so phucking many things these days we’re starting to dispute conventional wisdom from the last hundred-plus years, and beyond. Well, maybe not RWA’s but that’s fodder for another rant.

For now, readers, consider the merits of this rant… I know it is easy to dismiss ravings of this nature… just, lower your guard/prejudice and give it consideration… nature,

Nominate An A-Soul

I struggle at times with whether things that I say/suggest have a net positive impact on society and this idea is one of those: a website to do with the nasty, not-so-nice nature of humanity

This morning CBC’s Marketplace features an article on Processed Food; more specifically the amount of sodium in processed food (including restaurant food)

We “humanity” tend to lather ourselves with praise when we come together when the chit hits our collective fan –I call them “cometogetherarians” You’ve heard the talking heads saying crap like “this community comes together when… yada yada bullshit yada” As if that makes your community special, nicer, more worthy than other communities. Stop patting yourselves on the back, you are NOT special And I used the word ‘collective’ –were not so good when individuals are drowning (unless the cameras are rolling) There is an unwritten quid-pro-quo at play when we’re all subjected to the same disaster or tomorrows inevitable disaster

So, back to Marketplace and sodium: Sodium is a killer, especially for the ‘boomer generation’ most of hume are getting old and can no longer tolerate abuse… sodium abuse!

I nominate food marketeers who, in order to thicken their wallets, lace food with salt and anything else that adds to its appeal (fat)

Comon WP

You’d think once a page is published, an opportunity to start a new rant would automatically appear! Often by the time I’ve screwed with this, I’ve forgotten whatever the hell it was I was about to go on about! WTF you’re a big operation, has it never occurred to you to make this… simple?

How do I create a new post in WordPress?

Creating a WordPress Post

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click the Posts link in the navigation menu.
  3. Click the Add New button on the Posts page.
  4. Enter a title in the available field. …
  5. Enter your page content in the available field. …
  6. Once you have entered your information in the Post, click the Publish button. (

Amoral Souls

Well, I’m getting to that age where I don’t give a shit –or at least try not to give a shit. Actually I’m way past that… but thats another story

Today (these days) I just want to explain myself a little: I’ve always been creative and if I may touch on the subject from time to time… this is one of those times. Prepare to be disappointed revelations-wise.

Several years ago I figured that in order to use ‘colorful language’ –in a world where it’s still frowned upon, a little. I’d invent viable iterations; I’m particularly fond of replacing is “ass-hole” with A-soul, as in short for amoral soul.

So, if you come across that term, this is the official launch and claim (even though I’ve been using it for several years now)

Sorry, I know that’s lame but I had to get it off my chest.

Hmm, why the hell can’t I start a “new” post

+Planet Stupiter

These dayz, I find myself part of the old guard, my dayz are numbered. After reading a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti: It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. And combing through stacks of internal information I’ve managed to retain over the years, I recently decided to dump my antidepressant (SNRI) and the other substances –that helped me cope with life here on planet Stupiter (alcohol)
I’ve always had a good sense of humor, so I decided to replace my substances with humor. This may not be a sound choice but it’s all I have.

So now I just laugh and point at themasses, as they gradually begin to realize that their planet is on fucking fire. It has taken many/most of the planet’s morons 70-plus years of denial to come to the conclusion that it’s all a hoax… still a hoax. AND to continue to do nothing, or worse to support the status quo.

My Exes family hated me for having a negative view of business as usual, I was raining on their parade (even though it was becoming less and less likely to actually have actual rain on parades these dayz… Ash yes, rain no? They, being somewhat privileged a-souls were the norm back in that day.

Forest Fires season in Canada and The world is/are unprecedented “they” say, well they will probably be saying that up until the end, and like the boiling frog; might not notice until they’re done!

Well, I may have to go back on the drugs? My strategy of laughing at themasses is not working as well as I’d hoped, thoughts of the innocent keep creeping in and fornicating with my otherwise giddy told-you-so moment!

Please don’t take this rant personally it’s directed at the majority of themasses. However, if you are not part of the solution… well, you know!

Lastly, I’m too giddy with laughter to correct any mistakes, bad grammar, etc. so I’m just gonna post it and let the criticism cards fall where they may. And maybe saunter back from time to time when It don’t look quite right

Slow Moving Coup and The Boys From Brazil

I think I wrote about this theory in the early days of this blog: to recap, they (Nazi zelots) had bunch of leftover parts of Mr Cranky Pants aka The Führer which they took to Brazil and tried to clone a new Grand Nut Bar. But they weren’t taking any chances; they cloned a bunch AND as babes adopted them out to parents who were similar to the originals… in the hopes he/they would grow up to be a führer worthy guy and ‘they’ could start a Forth Reich and dominate the world…

That seems like a lot of trouble when just about any white nationalist asoul could do the job. All you’d need to do, is pull out all the stops, make a concerted effort, gather the wagons, and dam the torpedoes! What I’m trying to say is an all out assault on an unsuspecting population in every country that has a well established military (like USA.) It would be important to never let your intentions be known until you were absolutely in control! Themasses must be convinced that they have a leader who is ordained to lead them out of squalor and, enough government shills onboard that failure doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell… that even God would be in on it!

My second favorite comedian and very smart dude Bill Maher calls it: A Slow Moving Coup. I call it: The Boys From Brazil Redux (avec simplification) I sure hope Bill and I are wrong about this but I don’t think we are. The well healed want to stay well healed and if they have to spend a portion of their wealth, so be it!

The Koch brother (one ‘David’ has shuffled off… down I’d imagine) but the pair of them donated multiple millions to the cause.
From Democracy Now:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: – Democrats and Republicans are expected to spend about $1 billion getting their 2016 nominee elected. There’s a third group that will spend almost as much. It’s not a political party, and it doesn’t have any candidates. It’s the right-wing political network backed by the billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David Koch, expected to spend nearly $900 million in 2016. The Kochs’ 2016 plans come as part of an effort to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to conservative candidates and causes over the last four decades. The story of the Koch brothers and an allied group of billionaire donors is told in a new book by New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer, “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.” Mayer traces how the Kochs and other billionaires have leveraged their business empires to shape the political system in the mold of their right-wing agenda.

That’s All Folks…

Conservatives Liberals and the money game

It has always been my “belief” that republicans are the money party and for the most part I’m right, they are mostly millionaires supported by billionaires while the dem’s are well moneyed, the right has most of the winnings… otherwise they would probably be less successful: they buy campaigns, elections, deception, prestige, and voters… threw deception… the deception known as The American Dream.

Anyhoo here is an article I found recently on the topic:

Here is an excerpt:

America’s Top 10 Richest Families

  1. Walton– Republican — The family owns the Walmart corporation. The Walton family fortune is estimated to be about $130 billion.
  2. Koch– Republican — Businessmen, owners of Koch Industries, a manufacturing company. Koch brothers have a net worth of about $41 billion each ($82 billion together).
  3. Mars– Republican — Own the Mars candy company. The three children of founder Forrest Mars are worth about $78 billion together.
  4. Cargill-MacMillan– Republican — The Cargill-MacMillan family owns 90 percent of the largest privately-owned corporation in the U.S. The family, as a whole, is worth about $49 billion.
  5. Cox– Democrat — The Cox family owns a number of auto consumer sites and services (Kelley Blue Book,, etc.). They have an estimated net worth of $41 billion.
  6. Johnson (S.C. Johnson)– Republican — The Johnson family is known for their cleaning products and hygiene products. They are valued at $30 billion.
  7. Pritzker– Both — Founders of Hyatt. The family has a combined value of $29 billion in 2017.
  8. Johnson (Fidelity)– Republican — Overseers at Fidelity, ensuring the cash of millions of Americans. The family has a combined net worth of $28.5 billion.
  9. Hearst– Republican — The Hearst family owns one of America’s largest media companies. The family is valued at $28 billion.
  10. Duncan– Republican — The Duncan family works mostly with oil and pipelines. The family is valued at about $21.5 billion.

And this is a list of The 10 Richest Politicians in Congress… favoring R over D 6 to 4

  1. Senator Rick Scott                      R – Florida                  $259.7 million
  2. Senator Mark Warner                D – Virginia                $214.1 million
  3. Rep. Greg Gianforte                    R – Montana              $189.3 million
  4. Rep. Paul Mitchell                       R – Michigan             $179.6 million
  5. Senator Mitt Romney                  R – Utah                     $174.4 million
  6. Rep. Vernon Buchanan               R – Florida                 $157.1 million
  7. Senator Mike Braun                     R – Indiana                $136.8 million
  8. Rep. Don Beyer                             D – Virginia               $124.9 million
  9. Rep. Dean Phillips                        D – Minnesota          $123.8 million
  10. Rep. Nancy Pelosi                         D – California           $114.7 million

More thoughts on this from me, later…