Faux News and the new deal

So the morons over at Faux News AKA Fox News are at it still… of course; ridiculing any and all progressive idea and those who express ’em. Common Dreams https://www.commondreams.org/news reported on this segment from the Faux (Freshman Insurrection) https://video.foxnews.com/v/5966650393001/?#sp=show-clips

In a segment titled “Freshman Insurrection” on Tuesday night, right-wing host Laura Ingraham presented newly-elected House members—namely Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota—as a cabal of nutty radicals hell-bent on upending Nancy Pelosi’s leadership as they advocate for “wacky” ideas like providing every, single person in the United States access to healthcare and saving the planet’s natural systems from destruction while providing quality, high-paying jobs to millions of people as the country makes a rapid transition to a renewable energy system.              

I could only tolerate a moment of the condescending twit/token* female anchor Laura Ingraham but I got the gist. It makes me wonder what the far right would like… if these women were to stand for laissez-faire capitalism and coal fired everything and a return to serfdom, debtors prisons, child labour, etc. would they be happy… probably??? Laura might be happy until they burn her as a witch for not aging well?

And an other thing about Faux; have you ever noticed that Faux women are all fairly attractive token females with very feminine (almost buxom) features, bigger hair and never older than 40, bimbo heads pumped with Botox and usually well shaven? Laura if you come into work with 5pm shadow, your gone… ever think about that, you token twit!

Excuse me for being vile but in the words of the Trump child “they started it!”

Nap time

Most Important Matter

When I was born the population of Planet Stupiter (AKA Planet Earth) was 2.5 billion Ten years later David Suzuki was warning the world of the dangers of a runaway population –he eventually gave up the cause in frustration, the number then was 3 billion . Fast forward 60 years and it looks like we earthlings may have gone too far by not heading his warning. It could be over for us –and many/any other species we’ve touched?

Beasts with less smarts are contained within a system of unpleasant checks and balances but, we humans are so smart we’ve been able to skirt the system and now we number something approaching 8 billion.

Parasites who ultimately destroy their host ultimately die! But parasites don’t have much in the way of cognitive power, humans do… okay some… a few… We should be able to curb our explosive reproductive habits but we don’t. Any attempt by us, to save the biosphere, no matter how valiant will ultimately be nullified… by us… by the explosion. You can only safely stow 5 pounds of chit in a 5 lb bag and we’re beyond that now

Its impossible for a gee like me to be sure of what’s going on with governments and/or The One Percent or God or the Bilderberg‘s or whoever is in charge. From down here we can only guess –maybe no one has any power, maybe civil strife is an illusion, maybe climate change is too. Maybe there is a reason we’re all treated like mushrooms.

For humanity’s sake I hope someone (or something) on some loftier plane has a plan, as it appears, we (the visible we) don’t.

Tradition, barbaric cultural practices

Humanity (or what passes for humanity) seems to thrive on traditions or cultural habits or ways… Some positive some negative some benign some not so benign. Before I go any further If you haven’t seen my reference to the 5 monkeys experiment, view this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zsE5YtwUzk

The monkeys developed a tradition based on events so far in their past they had no clues why they were doing them. “Humans” of course are not immune to this behavior. If you ask the average person on a hot humid day why they are wearing cloths, they won’t know… they might be tempted to say, illogically “for warmth”.

Truth is this cultural practice has its roots in the early days of Christianity (probably long before) But those crazy Christians bought into it with great alacrity… Cover Those Naughty Parts!

I can only imagine some legitimate reason why this concept originated? In any event the practice was embraced by Christians and where ever they went it was promoted; the first thing Christian missionary’s did when they encountered naked people was cloth them!

So, the practice caught on and today only lunatics will venture into the clothisphere naked… its just not acceptable and, until we “think” about it, its just a habit we have no clue about.

Most of what (ultimately everything?)  we do and how we behave is a result of tradition… Every once in a while we’ll break from tradition and/or adopt the tradition of another culture; In the past Marriage was automatic –turn 16 or 20 get married, buddaboom… not so much these days (in my culture at least?)

It is possible to have very detrimental habits. Capital punishment comes to mind, war is another (sometimes unavoidable???) habit. In Canada recently during the Steven Harper regime some socially and mentally conservative twit observed recent  immigrants doing atrocious things (honor killings, female genital mutilation, etc.) so they introduced The Barbaric Cultural Practices Act.  It should have been called Other Cultures Barbaric Cultural Practices Act.  or Barbaric Cultural Practices We’re Not Traditionally Excepting Of Act.

In the conservative party and most of society, thinking outside the box (thinking in general) when it comes to how we behave as a society (and other ways) gives way, far to often, to tradition.

The people we have designated to do our thinking for us The Educated Ones (TEO’s) are making all sorts of discovery’s about everything. So many things about the human brain –for example– and how it works and how that relates to education are being revealed these days, its amazing. But tradition, related to who gets to be a TEO is still steeped in habit as old as the hills… Jack Hills… ah, not likely, we didn’t exist back then?

Only those who can tolerate The System get to play; if you didn’t learn well, for any reason, during the early years you were cast aside. We don’t care how smart or creative you are, its how smart /creative you were or possibly how well you adapted to what was being taught. So those who adapted got PHD’s those who didn’t got shovels and no account was ever given to basic intelligence or creativity or cleverness

At one time anyone with a modicum of brain power could prosper; inventors were not always well educated… rarely educated maybe? Of course those who were privileged enough to have an education prospered accordingly… same for those from wealthy places but the odd genius appeared out of the uneducated masses… most of the geniuses went on to bask in the light of obscurity.

Imagine the brain power that has come and gone because tradition will not allow them to be recognized? How far ahead would society be if intellectual late bloomers were allowed to participate?

To be fair some traditions are a real positive; not murdering your neighbor has been, for the most part, a positive (and fortunately, fairly popular) tradition…

Bottom line; we (society) should examine tradition and modify those that are no longer positive/relevant. We’re entering a time where (in the west at least) women are becoming recognized as persons…with rights… we have less of a problem with homosexuality and some of us are starting to wonder about other things… too (or is it to) numerous to mention?

That’s it, best I can do for this session and, remember; above all, keep those naughty parts covered…please! nap time


The biggest problem facing humanity is fascism… fascist, AKA The One Percent. And, the 1p have been running and ruining humanity for many a moon now.   It’s gotta be hard to be an a-soul and not be narcissistic and vise versa and as a 1pNA (one percent, narcissistic a-soul) born in the a-souliosphere your gonna find it hard not to feel privileged… and rightly so I suppose, you are above most of it… humanity.

As a privileged asoul you are protected by, lets say 99layers of fat –most of it green

They layers at the top are pure green, as you descend down through the population the layers turn conservative blue with ever increasing pockets of commi red until you reach the bottom… Its hard to make out the color in these murky depths –a reddish blue with the confusion of ignorance brown –those bottom dwellers who cant string together two thoughts have been told that they too can become one of the elite –well, if not the 1% something in between– all they can do is wonder around scratching their thick noggins wondering why its not working as promised.

I’m getting tired and boring so, I’ll fast forward; a certain asoul Saudi prince obviously had a dissenting voice silenced… murdered! But MBH can get away with that –he will barely feel a ripple once the layers absorb the jolt of his involvement. His pals at the top will simply look around and whistle until the ripple subsides…

When the 99% movement happened years back I thought “its about phucking time!” I actually thought humanity was finally going to correct its self (I can be so naive at times). Anyway that ripple was easily dissipated by the 98 to 89 percent layers –those very layers, those on the lower rung who would have benefited the most (by the movement) are easily manipulated by the upper echelon and act in the 1pNA’s favor… as they grumble about “what do those bums want” “what are they protesting anyway” “why don’t they just get a job” etc.

Of course they don’t really want to know… ignorance for them is bliss.

That’s it for now, I’m tired and starting to ramble… nap time




Narcissism; the plague –how the A-souls at the top set the standard… we adopt!

I recently bought a cordless drill (12 years ago) at the time the drill was a super deal; $100, two batteries it was rigid well made with its own bag with a rigid bottom and flexable (not rigid) sides and the corporate name/logo on the side in bright orange and best of all “lifetime Warranty” let me repeat that “lifetime Warranty” on everything even the batteries –the batteries!!!

How, I thought, can they offer such a deal. They already have an okay reputation –they don’t need to go to extremes to break into the market… whatever, I bought it. Back to the question; how can they offer such a deal –here’s how; they make filling out the warranty/registration extremely arduous BuddaBoom, they sell a chit-load of merchandise, line their pockets and spread their narcissistic cleverness through ‘the ether’

This Is How To Do It! CHEAT!

Cheat –wanta live well, ya gotta cheat! I phoned the company and they were RIGID, they would not honor their ‘fake’ warranty –I couldn’t get past the receptionist when I realized I was being bamboozled and asked to speak to a higher up…nope,  when I persisted, She hung up on me… I didn’t expect this sort of rigidity

Themasses* absorb this message/mantra and soon you have a society of a-souls bent on one-upmanship and, at-least, keeping up with the Jones’s if-not passing them, etc Fortunately there are many d-souls (decent souls) who buck/buffer this trend. If not for them Armageddon would be a thing of the past… not looming in the near future.

Nap time

Themasses* (the masses or them asses… same thing)

Excerpts from letters to OQ –Phony concern

Did I mention my neighbors aversion to plastic… (She turned her nose up at my art because the process uses plastic) she hates it so much she flies the friendly skies using up that carbon before it can be turned into plastic… with the advantage of pumping carbon directly into the environment –no meddling middle men and their stupid turtle chokin plastic bags. I didn’t mention (to her) this observation.

I suppose its better that she ‘talks the talk and feigns the walk’ than complete obliviousness –the universal average default. To be fair she is leaning in a positive direction.

I was listening to your buddy Gabor Mate the other day on CBC, he was describing the social pretenses the average a-soul displays –trying to pass him/her-self off to the rest of the troop as worthy. I ‘think’ he said that he finds that the people he looks after don’t seem to have quite so much skin in the game –not enough to put on those airs??? I should go back and listen again but my point relates to my comments above; that the average monkey is having too much fun creating and throwing feces to really care where it lands.

Stirling said something similar… something about “buying our own bullchit?”

Finally OQ; if you point this out too often (in an effort to make a difference) the troop will avoid you… they don’t want their illusions tampered with.