This is the contents of an email that I recently received. It struck a cord and I replied; with the rant below.


Interesting comment that is circulating the colder parts of Canada as to the viability of electric cars in some seasonal conditions.


Snow, Traffic Jams and Electric Cars – has anyone thought about it?


If all cars were electric … and were caught up in a three hour traffic jam…  

With dead batteries – then what?




Not to mention, that there is virtually no heating in an electric vehicle.


And if you get stuck on the road all night, no battery, no heating !!!


You can try calling 911 to bring woman and children to safety… and me!


But they can not even come to help you since all roads are blocked !!!!


And when the roads become unblocked no one can move!


How do you charge the thousands of cars from the traffic jam?


Same problem during summer vacation departures with miles of traffic jams.


This will make cars (I think they’re refering to hydrocarbon fueled “cars”?) run out of “fuel” and cause never ending traffic jams.


But that will never happen – eh – ?

Good question. Excellent question! I’ll try to answer them as dishonestly (tongue in cheekly) as I can 🙂

Well global warming should take care of the heat problem… it could take care of all our problems. 🙂 Ironic that if we were to replace internal combustion with electric it would cool the atmosphere, exacerbating the electric car heating problems… With any luck electric boats will replace electric cars as the poles melt and we become WaterWorld…

As to the problem of traffic jams, I suggest we do less traveling, maybe go back to riding the rails, or Flintstones cars?

We could go nuclear… nuke’r all? blast everything to smithereens… problems solved!  Or we could go limited nuke and reduce the population to a reasonable number.. Necessary; as near sighted, narrow minded, vision challenged leaders would never go there for fear of being crucified by the God cults.

Or…OR, humanity could back off with some of its insane desires; narcissism, greed, luxury shit, Alberta, keeping up with the Jones, big screen TV’s, bucket lists, big box stores, population and the 1%… especially the 1%! Then the 2%, then the 3%, etc, monster homes, monster trucks, food waste, exotic holidays, unnecessary air travel, republicans/conservatives and/or those who think –conveniently, that god will save us… them!

I, at one time (30 years back) tried to ween a well-to-do family off their water/energy consumption by replacing their shower heads with low flow (but still high pressure) shower heads (on there 4 showers/bath stalls) but the kids balked, the Kids! The fucking “kids” weren’t going to tolerate that shit! They went back to their old shower heads immediately and, I was a pariah around there for quite a while! I wonder if they remember that when they’re (finally/possibly ) out there protesting climate change?

And women… YES; you deserve equal wages for equal work* BUT you have significant influence over “humanity’s” ways. Don’t go down the same fork your other half has –they bought Rolex and power cars to impress you. Don’t do as they have done, that insane old paradigm has run its course! Loose the desire for luxury. Impressing the other women in the troop with diamonds and other bogus indicators of social status needs to stop. It may have been a thing for chimps and primitive cultures but today, unnecessary relics we don’t need and can rise above.

Those who’ve clawed their way to the top need to make better decisions, we cant let arrogance, ignorance, greed and all the BS that comes with it, drag us down the path to destruction… AND we cant leave these issues to OTHERS!

Lastly, a more robust social safety net: the way we treat the have-nots is appalling. And its possible that capitalism is seen as a hedge against “rough living”  Rough living is a pool full of crocodiles, nipping at our heels, driving us up the ladder of success? We could rescue the poor and make poverty less scary

We could change, try to abate the coming catastrophe

But like that will ever happen – eh – ?

* I have a problem with “equal work” people who clean toilets should be paid according to the shit they put up with! Or lawyers, etc should be made to clean up they’re own poop…





GREED; the demise of humanity

When I was a kid of about five, my parents tried to instill in me a sense of honesty and decency. As with any child I listened and decided to go along with these Ideas/concepts even though, I was an animal genetically programmed to look out for number one. How the fuck did I ever overcome those biological desires? I, have no idea! I think it had something to do with my fathers DNA? From Mom I got empathy?

And if you’re paying attention; DNA is not static; it can change depending on outside pressure, environmental pressure; war famine, climate and bullshit. Mostly the latter. Bullshit by the way is what those who have tell those who don’t? it’s what they told slaves centuries ago: respect your master!

There are days when I question my sanity I have even made appointments to check my thoughts, with pros… In this country most health concerns are available without cost –paid for by our tax system.

That’s it for now I’ve run out of steam, direction, inspiration and I wish to post something new…