Propaganda 2021

I have too much on the go to save the world. So I’ll post correspondences I’ve had with the odd conservative open enough to tolerate my opinion.understanding –its down to one… they’re minds are usually made up!

Darlene and I trade barbs.

This one is in regards to a wind farm grave site in Wyoming:

New technology will always have hurtles –its new, therefore it will require tweaking at least, and redesign at worst! Would you rather we burn coal and bump C02 through the roof.

A friend once told me (matter of factly) a dishwasher was more efficient than washing by hand… Its what she wanted to believe! The path, for her, of least resistance. 

Green energy =BAD! Pass it on… or not? 

This one directly references propaganda and gerrymandering in the Excited States –A once great country for fewer and fewer people:

Hey Dar

I rarely read this stuff any more. I use to read as much as I could retain, in some cases I’d send a twenty…  But eventually I grew tired of the fight –no matter the resources, right wing entities were willing to up the ante.

In 1933 Germany Nazi’s made cheap, often free radios available to Germans, in order to spread propaganda…  That wont work these days, so gerrymandering and less obvious techniques are required to trick themasses. Well funded lobbyists screw with the ability for poor areas to vote by making fewer ballot boxes available/population, mail service, etc, and dumbing down the population.

North of the 49 we are less susceptible to this manipulation, mostly because we are more sophisticated than poorer US populations. However convincing poorer Canadians that the CBC is sucking up their tax money is fairly easy.  BUT, if you are paying attention the CBC only costs $35/person/year and that money goes straight back into the economy –as most moneys do…   Rich people don’t fly off and spend it on lavish vacations elsewhere…

I think of The Conservative Party (Canadian) as Nazi Propaganda Lite…   Republicans (USA) as Propaganda High-Test!  Gird yer Loins if they ever get ultimate power!


This one is in regards to a selection of cuddly heart warming images –some of which include non-anglo but non-middle east brown-skins who tend not to immigrate to Canada and therefore don’t present a ‘threat’ to our way of life. meant to show the sender is not a racist:

Awfully left leaning photo’s are you sure your not a liberal with a conservative curse? I was a con up until I was about 13 or so. Over several years I realized ‘live and let live’ was a less brutal option.