I Reserve The Right To Be Wrong

Its amazing how many people who don’t know chit, have opinions and beliefs –adamant ones, carved in stone. We can probably say for sure (99.9*10⁹⁹ % sure) that the sun will rise tomorrow, its been a trend for a while now.

But other than that and similar trends, its ridiculous to consider the unknowable one way or the other. I don’t know if God exists, I don’t know if the cosmos is infinite… The one thing I’m pretty sure of is; I don’t know chit for sure and neither do you! Having said that, who knows, maybe you do know these things… all I can do is review my doubt’s and wait for proof. And, if God suddenly materializes in front of me in a blare of trumpets with angles and, they’re all wearing robes and stuff and they make things right in the world –well then, I’ll will be 99.9*10⁹⁹ %  sure. But, being cocksure, smug or arrogant about things, hobbles the mind… I think… probably…most likely!

Those who wish to dismiss inconvenient truth or believe convenient lies, do so at your own peril. But and its a big but, so listen up Splugie McDipshit, don’t for a moment think you have the answers and don’t think for a moment, that killing “possibly” innocent people in the name of whatever religious BS you subscribe to, is a good idea… its “probably” not!

In the mean time my motto will be “Question Everything” And I’ll use qualifiers like: maybe and its possible, I suppose, who knows, what if, etc. And in the case of pressing issues (like climate change) its probably best to error on the side of caution.